5 Little Ways To Save Towards Your Wedding

When you’re saving up for a wedding, every pesewa counts. One of the best ways to help free up funds to put towards your wedding day is to reduce your personal spending. You want to identify any areas where you may currently be overspending or at least areas where you could cut back. When you reduce your monthly expenses, you’ll be able to save more to put into the wedding fund!


Cut Down on Eating Out

Going to restaurants and eating out is nice, but it can definitely be expensive. Try lowering the number of times per month you eat out in order to reduce your expenses. Hit the market, get enough food for a week or two and pack a lunch for work.  It’s simple math– ditch the reservations and get cooking in your kitchen for a less expensive date night. You can even make it feel luxe for much less by making your own hors d’ouevres and having cocktail hour at home.




Have More At-Home Date Nights

It’s not called Netflix & Chill for nothing! Binge-watch your favorite shows with your fiancé from the comfort of home for a low monthly fee, rather than going out to the movies.

Whip up a home-cooked dinner, make some cocktails at home, and snuggle up for some TV time together and decompress. You could even play games and compete against each other for a little friendly competition! It’ll give you something fun to do together that isn’t related to the wedding.  See, you can still have fun while also reducing your spending!


Cancel Expensive Gym Memberships

Instead of using a standard gym membership that can cost quite a bit, opt for an at-home workout that you can stream on YouTube. There are so many workouts available online that work just as well! You can still see big gains without spending big bucks.




Sell everything you can

If banking a full paycheck is impossible, then you may be able to save part of it and supplement your savings from other sources. One of the best ways is by selling anything that you have that you no longer need (Search Instagram and Facebook for pre-loved pages or create your own).

This can be even more practical when you consider that you will be combining households with your new spouse and much of what each of you has individually will longer be needed. Exercise equipment, a sound system and even a widescreen TV may no longer be needed once you are married. They can be sold to raise quite a bit that can be used for your wedding.


Get a part-time job/Start a side business

You could also consider each of you getting an extra part-time job. It’s better that you both do it, rather than putting the burden entirely on one person. That will reduce the number of hours each of you need to work in order to reach your wedding savings goal.

Starting a side hustle is another way to make a bit of extra cash. It will have to be thought about properly and also be something that requires very little capital though!

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